Brian Chau
Student, Software Developer

A Thinking Ape
Software Development Engineer Co-op
May 2015 to August 2015

UBC Computer Science Department
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
January 2015 to Present
January 2013 to December 2013
- CPSC 221 (Alan Hu, TBD), Jan-Apr 2015
- CPSC 210 (Gail Murphy, Ivan Beschastnikh), Sep-Dec 2013
- CPSC 210 (Kurt Eiselt), Jul-Aug 2013
- CPSC 101 (Holger Hoos), Jan-Apr 2013

Amazon Lab126
Software Development Engineer Intern
September 2014 to December 2014
- I was an intern on a team responsible for the Mayday feature in Fire tablets. (NDA)

Microsoft Corporation
Software Development Engineer Intern
May 2014 to August 2014
- I was an intern in Windows working on an API as part of DirectX 12. (NDA)

A Thinking Ape
Software Development Engineer Co-op
January 2014 to April 2014
- I worked on a software engineering team during my time at ATA. I introduced a few new features and implemented them on the server and both Android and iOS clients.
- My projects were mainly based on improving user aquisition and monetization. I introduced Facebook sharing and memberships into the application. I also designed and implemented a membership feature, which increased the user retention rate significantly.
Language Proficiency
Avalon Helper
Language/Platform: Java/Android
A helper app for the card game called Avalon. The app simplifies the initial card distribution process by automating the character assignment using an Android app, and elimintates the tedious reveal phase. The app also keeps track of player stats.
S3/DXT Texture Converter
Language: C++
Converts bitmap files to/from the S3/DXT3 texture format for use with Microsoft Flight Simulator, employing self-written algorithms, file I/O, and OpenMP multithreading.
Assembly Language Simulator
Language: C++
A parser and a simulator for the “Y86” Assembly language described in “Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective” by Bryant and O’Hallaron.
Clue Assistant (CPSC 312)
Languages: Prolog
This program serves as an assistant to a Clue (or Cluedo) player. It is able to remember moves, keep track of what your opponents have, and advise you of what suggestions and accusations to make.
FoodHero (CPSC 310)
Languages: HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, SQL
FoodHero is a restaurant-based social media website. Users are allowed to “fave” and review restaurants, upload photos of food, follow other users and see their reviews, and search for restaurants within Vancouver and UBC. Restaurant data from FourSquare, photo uploading provided by Flickr, mapping provided by Google Maps.
UBC Sustainability App (CPSC 210)
Language/Platform: Java/Android
Extended a partially completed Android application to support route searching, XML parsing, and GPS mapping. Used JUnit testing to verify code.

University of British Columbia
Faculty of Science
Honours Computer Science and Software EngineeringComputer Science Co-op Program
September 2011 to May 2016
Select completed coursework:
- CPSC 304: Introduction to Relational Databases
- CPSC 311: Definition of Programming Languages
- CPSC 312: Functional and Logic Programming
- CPSC 317: Internet Computing
- CPSC 319: Software Engineering Project
- CPSC 410: Advanced Software Engineering
- CPSC 411: Compiler Construction
- CPSC 415: Advanced Operating Systems
- CPSC 420: Advanced Algorithm Design and Analysis
- CPSC 421: Introduction to Theory of Computing
- MATH 223: Honours Linear Algebra
- MATH 312: Introduction to Number Theory
- STAT 302: Introduction to Probability
High School

Prince of Wales Mini School
Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaSeptember 2006 to June 2011
Graduated with Honours
About Me
I'm Brian, and I'm a twenty-three-year-old software developer in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I studied computer science at the University of British Columbia. Within computer science, my focus is mainly on software engineering, but I'm also interested in systems and programming languages.
Here are some other facts about me:
- I can speak English, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), very little Japanese, and at one point a little bit of French and German (but not anymore).
- I use Windows 10, Mac OS X El Capitan, Ubuntu 16.04 Server, and Android 7.1.
- I am part of the online "Microsoft Flight Simulator" community. I make repaints for freeware aircraft, which can be found by searching for my name on AVSIM or FlightSim. Alternatively, here is a link to my Flight Simulator downloads page.